Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Brief Observation of Monkey Mind Mischief

So, the secret to successful existence is quite simple – never be in a state of reaction, be a cause and not an effect. All you need to do is just simply ignore people who are acting in a manner which you perceive to be aggravating. Each time you encounter a person in a situation where the interactive dynamics conjure up feelings of stress, anger, or any other negative emotional trait, then all you need to do is remain passive and do nothing. In almost all situations it is best to remain passive and not comment or even intimate through body language that you are affected by said energy. Every time that you manage to navigate through the prickly porticos of human interaction remaining untouched and I'm skates, then you have achieved a great victory and the pursuit of personal development. All modern media outlets are replete with self-help gurus and profiteers who are simply redistributing ancient wisdom and unique packaging and pursuit of undeserved profits at the expense of the suffering of others. It takes a great deal of effort and self observation to emerge from the sticky dregs of ego-based existence and conquer The desire to be right and dominate all angles of personal interaction whether it be the clerk I have a government office the waitress serving your coffee and croissants in the morning for the in evitable and her actions of competitive coworkers who are constantly striving to enhance their efforts while demeaning your position. The Indian New Age guru oh show, formerly known as the niche, as synthesized some of the most complex human ideas and my opinion gained a certain grain of truth which rings true through almost all of his lectures and collections of thoughts which are marketed as books, even though he himself never wrote a single volume. And a very clear concise and accurate manner he states the following: "...a seeker of truth is to cut himself away from all belief systems, from all borrowed knowledge -- in other words, to have the courage to be ignorant rather than to have borrowed knowledge. Ignorance has a beauty; it is at least yours, authentic, sincere..." This is so true. We need to distance ourselves from all of this borrowed knowledge and constant repetition of others' ideas. Every time I hear some New Age pond and puffing out his cheeks and regurgitating D is an information which clearly are not part of his true knowledge base because he or she could not have possibly synthesize a personal truth that is expressed in words that are for Milyer to all those who have The different esoteric traditions. Therefore, be humble, the present, because the Atlee on your guard and ready to retract statements and learn new information. Enlightenment is not a goal in life is a process that is constantly underway and begins each day as we open our eyes and completes at the end of the day when we drift off to sleep. May all of your wishes come true before you even realize that they are your wishes.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Love Stinks

Love Stinks

The Falsity of Family

Why do people inevitably harbor an irrational drive to create a family. Primarily because they have been brainwashed into believing that this is the proper course to follow and that family formation has been intended by nature itself. Additionally, as soon as a person has children and a so called family, then this provides said person with a solid reason to continue working, producing income and tax revenues for the ruling state authorities. This creation of a family unit is also based on the deep-seated fear, like all other false notions about life, that a person will need children to take care of them when they grow old and require care, but unfortunately this only occasionally occurs, and if the need arises, then the parent doesn't want to trouble their offspring and alternative measures are usually adopted. As it is commonly known, almost all families are to some degree dysfunctional and the whole concept of the family is a relatively new idea and based on false and self-serving precepts. The idea that a family and its members are sacrosanct has it roots in politics and religion where leaders formed a method for creating a false sense of stability that would serve as solid base for civil stability and in turn provide a good and steady source for collecting tax revenues as mentioned above. Unless a person makes a protracted and insistent effort to create a life experience that is filled with a plethora of new and engaging stimuli, then the experience that most of us call life evolves into something that is stale, boring and downright depressing. And even if said efforts are constantly pursued, and personal and professional goals realized, luck or chance will also be required to cooperate, if one seeks out a meaningful, rewarding and stress-free existence. Unfortunately, life's spectrum of offerings is quite limited even though the positive thinking gurus and the directors of institutes of higher education would claim otherwise.  As the cliche goes, life is a perpetual struggle replete with a modicum of suffering and people need some sort of external or even supernatural motivation to prevent them from giving in or giving up. This is where the whole concept of family comes into play. Firstly,  humans are animals and like other animals we have a strong biological urge to procreate. Unlike most animals, human offspring require a long period of parental care before the newborn can be released, unassisted, into the new world. Females have traditionally filled the role of primary  caregivers. After conception, the male's role is basically finished. He is reduced to the role of provider, and in today's modern society, where both males and females prevail in the workforce, women no longer need the male except maybe as a source of additional income. Therefore, a false, homogenous unit is required, one that will provide the the needed drive to continue with the struggle and not allow society's members to give up. This deceptive motivating factor usually takes the form of a false, cohesive unit, known as the so called family, a group that has nothing in common other than some sentimental, shared experiences. The falsity of this social unit is perpetually ignored and its perceived value is constantly reinforced by society everywhere and the sanctity of said unit is considered to be such a basic truth that it remains unchallenged by virtually all members of the so called social structure.Therein lies one of the major sources of suffering and psychological disturbances that can be sourced right back to this so called family unit which is a false societal creation that was never intended by nature. Let's face the truth, the sooner a child achieves independence from the so called family, the healthier and happier they will be. Additionally, the sooner that parents that hate each other separate, the happier they will be as well. It's time to reconsider and rethink this so called basic unit of society, especially since, de facto, it has fallen apart anyway.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Don't Take it Personally

Hypersensitivity is misclassified as a minor personality disorder. Those who are plagued by this horrible syndrome may be able to blend in with the general population, but their internal machinations cause a constant state of ambient suffering. Every minor glitch is immediately placed under a microscope for analysis, categorization, explication, and further analysis, ad Infinitum. This process gradually evolves into a comprehensive method for perceiving the world whereby even the most mundane nuisance takes on a personal texture. Those with normal psychopathology wouldn't assign personal attributes to the minor annoyances that inevitably emerge during the course of ones' daily routines. Since the diagnostic and statistical manual of psychological disorders classifies this phenomena as a minor ailment, there is no chemical treatment available for those who suffer. However, many turn to street drugs and alcohol to gain release and relief. Occasionally, These substances provide solace, however, in many instances, they actually exacerbate the sensitivity - causing further suffering. In other words, a person is thrown even further in the direction they were already heading towards, and a 'magic' circle of suffering is created. This might sound mundane and overly obvious, but there is a simple solution to this intricate problem. The first step is to recognize that a problem actually exists. This recognition will ultimately lead to a decrease in the amount of suffering because it will break the automatic chain of thought and render the oversensitivity to be seen as something farcical and comic. As soon as someone truly understands that they are misinterpreting an innocuous series of events and personally identifying with them, then this in itself will serve as an initial solution - breaking the chain of events and providing relief, albeit a brief respite but significant as a barrier breaker. So the next time that you overreact and take someone else's behavior personally, imagine alternative scenarios i.e. maybe the person had a fight with their significant other, maybe they are unwell, maybe they are lonely, etc. The possibilities are almost endless, and would almost never include the personal possibility that those who are oversensitive inevitably choose.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No More Daisies: Poetry

No More Daisies: Poetry: Gatsby’s Lament I have come and gone in silk-shirted tragedy. The willing victim of self illusion. Adrift in an autumn pool, I see ...


Everyone wants to be special. Everyone seeks approval and applause. However, most peoples' behavior can be linked to the behavior of others. Nothing is original. Everyone just simply apes the agendas of others. The media moguls invest millions to influence the choices of viewers, driving their audience, like a herd of young sheep to an inevitable slaughter, towards a hopeless existence plagued by fear, doubt and despair. These are the tools that the advertisers use to influence the target audience, or anyone else for that matter, pushing them towards consumer outlets where there is an imminent transfer of wealth from the suckers to the exploiters. The desire to adopt all 'popular' trends evolves into a relentless struggle typified by disappointment and frustration since the shopping list is infinitely expanding, propelling it way beyond the reach of even the most cruel and successful oligarchs. And those who pull back for just a moment, instantly observe a dangerous culture of consumerism that renders all of its participants into a lifeless, boring mass of ugly animals with an underdeveloped potential to use reason. If you really want to stand out and be special, then develop a self perception of being just common, and not special. That will truly be special.